Sellers Guide | Pro-Check Home Inspections Colorado Springs
Preparing the Seller for a home Inspection
Below are a few things you can offer to sellers to prepare them for an inspection, most are inexpensive and only take a few minutes of their time.
• Have your furnace serviced by a qualified HVAC company if it has not been done in the last 12 months.
• Replace your furnace air filter, a dirty air filter is one of the biggest indicators of a poorly maintained home.
• Check smoke alarms – replace batteries if necessary.
• The dishwasher will be run. You can add detergent if you like.
• Leave a note as to location of all hidden GFCI outlets.
• Install CO detectors.
• Replace light bulbs that are burned out.
• Check ALL of your electrical outlets and switches to make sure they have cover plates. Make sure to also check utility rooms and garages.
• Tighten loose doorknobs, make sure to check them all.
• If possible remove all pets from the property. The list of reasons behind this is too long to mention, but I’m sure you can come up with a few.
• Leave Keys for any unattached garage or exterior buildings. Unlock the covers for the sprinkler system and electrical box.
• Make sure there is access to the electrical panel, sump pump, furnace, and water heater. The inspector will need to access all of these to test and inspect them.
• Make sure there is free & open access to all attic openings in the house and garage. If needed, move clothes and storage material out of the way. If there is a garage attic access, make sure there is not a car, boat, or boxes underneath the access.
• Have clean eave gutters and properly extended downspouts.
• Maintain the snow removal on driveway and sidewalks.
• Talk with your agent. Their experience and knowledge as a professional can give you tips on how to help your home present its best face.
What to Expect:
The home inspector will generally show up early to begin the inspection on the exterior and roof of the home. He will be in the home for about 2 hours depending on multiple variables, a few of which are age, condition and size of home. The inspector will operate all components and appliances in the home. If there is something that does not work properly or should not be operated you MUST communicate this with the inspector. If a dishwasher leaks or your overhead garage doors are frozen to the concrete, you need to let the inspector know this.
When Homeowner Returns:
A good home inspector will attempt to make the home feel as if nobody was ever in the home. We try to return everything back to the position we found them in, however we do recommend that they check their thermostat, windows and blinds
after the inspection.
Do Not:
Do not stuff everything in the closet or in the cabinets or under the sinks to try to make the home appear clean. These areas need to be accessible during the inspection. Do not try to hide defects. Home inspectors have seen every trick that a seller has tried to hide a defect and it only reflects poorly on the seller.
Final comment:
The most important thing a seller can do to help the inspection go smoothly is to leave during the inspection. When sellers choose to stay in the home during the inspection, it is always perceived very negatively by the buyers. This is the buyer’s home inspection, they paid for it and it is their opportunity to discuss freely and openly any questions and concerns they may have about the property with the inspector. As the seller you will get an opportunity to provide them with any pertinent information about the home at another time. This is also an educational opportunity for the buyers. They will likely learn more about their home during the home inspection than most people learn in 5 years living in a home.
Contact Ronald for your Pro-Check Home Inspection!
Roland Stahnke
Colorado Springs, CO
Home Inspections Colorado Springs
Home Inspector Colorado Springs