Here are some basic rules for steps:
• Most deck stairs have open risers (the vertical space between stairs) that are not safe for children. Risers may be open, but should not allow the passage of a sphere 4 inches in diameter.
• It’s typical for steps in the same stairway to be of slightly unequal heights, but the difference between the shortest and tallest (including the very bottom step) should not exceed 3/8-inch. This is to reduce to possibility of tripping.
• A smooth and graspable handrail should be provided on at least one side of a stairway having four or more steps. It should also be between 34 and 38 inches high.
• Outdoor lighting at steps is essential for night-time safety. Solar-powered stake units are a low-cost and energy-efficient option.
Here are some rules for railings:
• The guardrail surrounding a deck should be supported by posts at least every 6 feet. This includes most decks that are higher than 12 inches above adjacent areas.
• The spindles or balusters between the posts should be less than 4 inches apart to prevent children from slipping through or becoming stuck between them.
• Balusters should be vertical rather than horizontal to prevent anyone from climbing on them causing damaging or injury.